Yard Sales are a great way to get decent stuff at 90% – 95% off. Our family is addicted to them!
Check out these awesome yard sale deals (or garage sale, depending on where you’re from) we scored over the past two weekends.
In all, over the past two weekends, I figure we saved more than $360! If you’re not into yard sales yet, then what are you waiting for???
Top Yard Sale Deals for 7/6/13
Item | New Price | Yard Sale Price | Final Price Paid | Amount Saved | % Off |
Transpod iPod Car Charger | $30 | $1 | $0.50 | $30 | 98% |
Nike Girls Shoes | $50 | $2 | $1 | $49 | 98% |
Toy Grabber | $10 | $0.25 | $0.25 | $9.75 | 98% |
Ann Taylor & Banana Republic Shirts | $100 | $4 | $3 | $97 | 97% |
Embark Sleeping Bag | $31 | $3 | $2 | $29 | 94% |
Kids Acoustic Guitar | $55 | $5 | $3 | $52 | 93% |
Car DVD Player | $50 | $5 | $4 | $46 | 92% |
6′ x 8′ Oriental Rug | $60 | $10 | $5 | $55 | 92% |
Total Saved = | $366 |
Top Yard Sale Deals for 7/6/13 – The Details
My old iPod 30GB is always running out of batteries while I’m driving. This handy little Transpod iPod Car Charger will keep me going. The transmitter portion doesn’t really work, but I didn’t need it for than anyways (6/10 condition). Fifty cents well spent in my book!
My wife found these nice play shoes for our daughter to wear to school. They are a little big right now, but should be good in a couple months. They are probably 8/10 condition. My wife asked if they’d take $1 vs. $2 and they were fine with that. Score!
Our son and daughter love playing with this thing. Our son bought it with his own money for 25 cents. I think the lady gave him a special deal because she thought he was cute. It definitely works out to have your kids by the toys as they always get lower prices from the adults! 10/10 condition, it looks brand new!
My wife found these two stylish shirts that she can wear to work for super cheap. I can barely tell they are not new. I would say they are 9/10 condition. The lady at the sale wanted $2 each for them, but my wife got both of them for $2 or $3 (I cannot remember). She wore the green one to work the other day and looked wonderful!
We found this one a couple of weeks back. We’re interested in getting more into camping, and thought this would be good for the kids. It’s an Embark 30 degree sleeping bag. The link is for the 40 degree one, but I think I found this one on Target.com for $32. They were asking $3, but my wife got it for $2.
Our son has been looking for a guitar for a while now at yard sales. We ran across a good deal on the First Act Acoustic guitar. The lady was asking $5 for it. I asked her if she would consider going lower, and she said yes. I told her we would look at some of the other yard sales down the road and talk about it. My son and I decided to offer her $3 to see if she would take it. She said yes! She was obviously just trying to unload her stuff, because she threw in two plastic Starwars cups and some homemade pop-sickle makers for free! The guitar is in 9/10 condition from what I can tell. This was a super deal that my son paid for with his own money, and he is having a ball playing with it!
We didn’t have a use for this portable car DVD player, but my Mother-in-Law can sell it at her thrift store for $20 – $25 easily. So, for the $4 investment (bargained down from $5) we can get a quick 400% – 500% return on the money. Every little bit helps!
This one comes with a funny story. The lady at this Yard Sale had several Oriental rugs for sale. A person bought two smaller ones for $5 each. As we were about to leave, I thought that maybe this large rug would look pretty good in our kitchen. I asked her how much she was asking for the larger one (6 feet x 8 feet). She said $10. I flinched and said “oh… OK. Thanks then…” I then proceeded to turn around and leave. She said “how about $8”. I knew I had her at this point. I said “I’ll give you $5 for it.” All of this was within ear shot of the women who bought the smaller rugs for $5. She motioned for me to come over to her and she then accepted the deal. It is machine-made, but I cannot tell what brand it is to see how much it would be new. I’d say it is probably 7/10 condition because one edge is a little worn. I should be able to fix this up in about 10 minutes and we’ll have an awesome rug for the kitchen. Score!!!
Final Thoughts
Our past two weekends were not some of our best hauls, but we did pretty good with a savings of ~$360. We bought several kids outfits as well, but I didn’t think you’d be interested in seeing those. I’m still looking for a sub-woofer to go with the stereo receiver that I picked up last month. No luck yet, but I’m sure a nice one will turn up sooner or later at the right price!
If you don’t have yard sales (garage sales) as part of your Saturday morning plans, what are you waiting for???
Wow, you got some great deals! This actually kind of scares me away from having my own garage sale, because I don’t know if I’d want to sell my stuff for that cheap!
Daisy @ Prairie Eco Thrifter recently posted…Friday Links – School Update Edition
We’re kinda hard-core compared to most folks. I wouldn’t shy away from it, but definitely expect people to try to haggle you lower.
You are a little too hard core. You saved $11.50 by haggling. 3%. I do not think that is respectful to the seller or to yourself.This is not Mexico where back and forth about the price is an expected part of a transaction. I acknowledge that I am not a good garage-saler, am having my first ever in a few weeks because I’d rather donate to a charity, but I don’t respect myself when I ask someone to do me a favor at their expense, and I hope they do not try that on me at my garage sale.
I went to a garage sale recently (I don’t go frequently, so maybe I don’t get the culture) and the husband of the lady in charge suggested to me that I try bundling some of my purchases and making an offer. I declined. I prefer to honor the price someone has determined an object is worth to them and not buying it if I am not OK with the price. Or perhaps coming back at the end of the sale to see if the price has been reduced. (Or perhaps I’m just afraid of rejection.)
I think you may just be afraid of rejection. If I did the math correct, I paid $18.75 vs. the $30.25 asked. So, I really received a ~38% discount, not a 3% one.
I have probably been to 500+ yard sales. The motivation for 80%+ of folks is just to get rid of their stuff. Most are happy to get rid of it at nearly any price. It is a true win-win. If you look at most cultures around the world, it is perfectly normal to negotiate on price. This is extremely common for any used stuff – eBay, Craigslist, and yard sales are all basically negotiated prices.
I used to be the same way as you, but eventually got over the fear of rejection and was able to ask for discounts when it makes sense. I have had many cases where I ask how much something is and then don’t want to pay the price asked. I don’t even try to haggle because the price is too high. More than half the time, if I am uninterested in that price folks will ASK me to make an offer of what I’d like to pay. They want to get rid of it 🙂 In some extreme cases, folks will actually give me the stuff for free just to get rid of it!!!