It is a sad fact that many of us these days live paycheck to paycheck. Saving up for an emergency fund can be tough if you don’t have a large income, are unemployed, or if you have a bit of bad luck. If an emergency occurs, many times you will need to have a couple of tricks up your sleeve to come up with some money quick. The following are some top ways to get $500 quick if you find yourself in a jam.
Sell Your Extra Stuff
One of the best ways to come up with some extra cash is to sell stuff you are not using anymore. This could be that old guitar you haven’t touched in years, or some old shoes. You get the idea – if you haven’t used it in more than a year, you can probably let it go! Ebay or Craigslist are great ways to get rid of your items. The downside to this approach is that if you need money right away, you may not get as much for your stuff as if you have the time to find the highest bidder. Most of us could get a couple hundred bucks quickly just getting rid of our old stuff without even breaking a sweat.
Borrow Money from a Friend or Relative
This is another quick way to come up with some money, but there are huge downsides! There is no faster way to tarnish a good relationship than to borrow money from a friend or loved one and not pay them back. If you are going to go this route, be very sure you can pay them back in full in a reasonable amount of time!
Get a Cash Loan
Another way you can get $500 quickly is by taking out a cash loan. Many loan companies, such as 24Cash, can get you a cash loan in under one hour. These loan companies can be great if you are in a jam and need money immediately. As with the tip above, you need to be sure you can pay the loan back quickly. Some of these loans have very high interest rates, so if you ever hope to save up for an emergency fund you need to use these types of loans responsibly!
Work Extra Hours
If you have a job and work hourly, then this is a great way to get some extra money quickly. Work some overtime if your company allows it, and you’ll be able to pick up some extra bucks in short order. The downside to this is that with normal pay-cycles you may not see the money show up in your check for a week or two. So, this isn’t always the fastest option. Those of us that work salary jobs are out of luck here!
Perform Odd Jobs Around Town
This is a good idea if many of the above options won’t work for you. Cut grass, rake leaves, shovel snow, you get the drill. These are quick ways you can help out neighbors and make money at the same time. Just be sure you put your back into it!
Final Thoughts
These are just a couple of the ways to get $500 quick. Life throws all kinds of situations at you, and sometimes you just really need some money quickly. If you really need the money, try out some of the above tips. If you don’t think those will work for you, just put your mind to it and you’ll be sure to identify a couple ways that you can get $500 quick!