Dee over at Color Me Frugal had a great post about 50 Things She’s Thankful for. It was a very inspiring post that brought a smile to my face.
I’ve read enough Black Friday posts over the past week that if I have to go through one more I think I’ll puke (no offense). So, I decided to take a page out of Dee’s book and develop my own list of things I’m thankful for. Versus coming up with a super long list of things I’m thankful for, I decided to go for a quality over quantity approach and just highlight the top-10 things I’m thankful for this year. In classic Engineer’s style, these are ranked with the most thankful item being #1.
What I’m Thankful For This Year – The Top-10 List
- Being Alive – OK, this isn’t as cheesy as it sounds. A huge deer (6-pointer buck) ran into the side of my Corolla just two days ago out of nowhere! It caused massive damage to the side of my car, and fortunately I wasn’t hurt. If had been a couple milliseconds later leaving the house Monday morning, I would probably be in the hospital right now or much worse 🙂
- My Wife – She’s been incredibly supportive this year in so many ways. With my school work, new business, work challenges, and general bad days this year, she’s always been there for me and our family. I don’t know how I could survive without her!
- My Kids – They are just as cute and as smart as ever. It really is awesome to spend time with them, help them learn, and experience their good times and bad.
- My Parents – for how they struggled to give me such a great education and created a loving and nurturing environment. I feel much of the success I’ve reaped this year is due to their hard work over the years.
- My In-Laws – they’ve helped us in so many ways over the past year – fixing cars, borrowing cars, watching kids, the list goes on and on and on.
- My Sister – She’s been great support this year with everything going on – I love you Sis!
- My Classmates – My VCU EMBA classmates are awesome! They’ve really helped me learn and grow as a person in 2013.
- My Job – I’ve got some good co-workers, and we’ve made great progress this year as a team. Also, my company is footing the MBA bill, so I’m incredibly thankful for this as well.
- Ramit Sethi and Burton Malkiel – For writing the great books I Will Teach You To Be Rich
and A Random Walk Down Wall Street
. These books have changed my life forever in a positive way. I cannot recommend them highly enough!
- Readers – That’s right – if you’re a regular reader then I’m especially thankful for your support! Personally, this blog has been a great way to hold myself accountable to save more money, make more money, and invest money more wisely. It’s also given me a great chance to write about my passion (money) while helping folks improve their own finances. Thanks for stopping by and inspiring me to continue in my journey toward financial greatness!
What I’m Thankful For This Year – Final Thoughts
I hope you’ll take a little time on Thanksgiving to really think about what you’re thankful for this year. Going through the process of actually writing down what you’re thankful for this year can really help to put things in perspective. Life actually isn’t all about the best Black Friday sales or deals – it’s not about all the material shit that advertisers will try and brainwash you into thinking you need – it’s about spending time with and being content with the people we love 🙂
Thanks for the mention! Great list! Sorry to hear about your car- but glad you’re ok! Have a great Thanksgiving!
Dee @ Color Me Frugal recently posted…Top 6 Reasons to Look Your Bank Statements Over Carefully
Dee, no problem on the mention! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great Thanksgiving too 🙂