After a house and maybe a family vacation, purchasing a car is one of the most expensive purchases that many of us will ever make. Even a second-hand car can set you back several thousands of dollars. When you decide to upgrade your car, you have two finance options. You can either purchase it outright […]
How To Properly Care For Your Car
The golden rule of treating others how you want to be treated not only applies to your personal relationships, but it also applies to your car. Cars are amazing machines that get people from place to place, and for the most part, they do it with little maintenance or issue. Because cars work so well […]
How to Retain Your Car’s Value
Just like any other prized possession of yours, your car needs some touch-ups from time to time. We need it in order to appreciate its value since it is a long-term asset. Unfortunately, people usually care about their cars’ value only at the time of selling, which is not a good way to be thinking! […]
Your Complete Guide to Buying a Car
6 Steps To Getting A Car Loan For the First Time
Shopping for your first car can certainly be exhilarating and exciting. It can also invoke feelings of fear and anxiety, particularly if you are uncertain about how to pay for it. Getting a car is considered a rite of passage of sorts, but it also comes with certain responsibilities that must be taken into consideration. […]
What to Do Immediately Following a Car Accident
Cyclical Sales Trends – The Best Time of Year to Buy Anything
If you’re a budget-conscious person, you likely want the best items for the least expensive price possible. Makes sense and cents, right? If you’ve budgeted for a new personal computer this year and have been surveying prices, you probably realize that the price can vary by several hundred dollars depending on when you’re looking. Almost […]
How to Save Big on Your Car Insurance
What Kind of Car Insurance Coverage Do I Need?
Driverless Cars and Their Impending Collision with the Auto Insurance Industry
In any futuristic movie you watch, the lead character “drives” around in an autonomous vehicle. Without having to worry about actually driving the car or getting stuck in traffic, the character has time to figure out how to diffuse the bomb and save the girl. Roll credits. All of these films predicted that we (society) […]