Everyone wants to find a way to make money without having to actually go to work everyday! Have you ever considered that if you have a business mindset, building a blog could be a great way to make money without having to step foot in the office? Contrary to popular belief, there is a way to build a blog overnight that can make money.
This article is going to outline how to make money with your blog for beginners. This is a great source of extra income, but it is not a plan for a get rich quick scheme. Check out this personal loans online application for more information for getting money to invest in your blog.
Monetize your Blog with Ads
There are two main ways that blogs use ads to generate income. In order to place ads on your blog, you need to be familiar with these terms:
- CPC or PPC Ads- These are “cost per click” or “pay per click” ads that pay the blogger for each click that is given on a particular visit
- CPM ads- are ads that give you a fixed price for the number of visitors to your blog. These work on the idea that visitors view ads while visiting your blog.
Ads are one of the most popular ways to make money with blogs. Most bloggers use Google Adsense to facilitate the blogging ads. This is because it requires no effort on your part to sell advertisement space on your blog.
You could also work with individuals to offer private advertisement space on your blog. This will likely be more lucrative for you. However, it also costs a great deal more time and energy to fulfill the need for ad space. Ultimately, this is a personal choice that depends on your goals.
Affiliate Links
Another really popular method for generating money from your blog is to include affiliate links naturally in the content of your writing. If you are often recommending products, or have a niche that lends itself to recommending products, this is a great tool for you to use.
Usually, you get the product for free. This means that you get something for free in exchange for placing the link on your blog. In some instances, you can also receive a commission for the number of sales that your link affords the person who wants to advertise.
Sell Digital Products
If you have a particularly popular blog, then you might be able to sell your own merchandise in order to make a little bit of extra money. For example, if you write a blog about painting or art consider selling original art through the blog to make extra money.
Other big blogging personalities have sold t-shirts or other blog merchandise that has made them a bit of extra money in the long run. It all depends on the type of readership you have as to whether this will work for you.
Final Thoughts
As a blogger, there are plenty of different ways to make a bit of extra money. This list is only some of the options that are out there. Best of luck!
Hi Derek!
I found this site through contentgems.
Awesome post. My suggestion is to add more content to generate more traffic from Google. It looks like the article is bit short though.
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Thanks for the suggestion.
How long did it take you to start earning money?
After about the first two or three months. I now routinely make over $2K a month with <4 hours of work - so it was definitely worth it :-)!