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A reasonable approach to personal finance is to examine the insurance coverage that you carry on an annual basis. This will ensure you have the proper amount of coverage and that you are not over-paying for the coverage amount that you’ve settled on. Insurance coverage as a whole cost the average family over $5,000 in 2012 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics! This substantial annual investment should be considered carefully with the assistance of a good insurance agent. I prefer to handle all of my insurance needs through the internet/phone for time efficiency, but some folks still like the personal touch of sitting down with someone to discuss the best coverage for them. This also gives a chance to ask any questions that are on your mind.
Find a Competent Insurance Agent – Points to Consider
Types of insurance provided that you should discuss with your insurance agent or consider are
- Automobile insurance – Liability coverage to comply with laws, physical damage coverage for the automobile, as well as uninsured motorist’s protection to protect you against legal liability and damage to your property.
- Homeowner’s insurance – Whether you own your home or rent, you’ll need to protect yourself against loss due to loss of your home, the property contained in it, and your legal liability should anyone be injured as the result of carelessness on the property you own or control.
- Boat and RV insurance – If you own a boat or RV, you will likely need this type of insurance.
- Umbrella Insurance – This is a type of insurance policy to protect you in the event that your legal liability exceeds your limits of liability on the primary automobile, homeowner, boat, or RV you own. It’s wise to request this type of coverage if you have a large net worth and desire to protect it from risk.
- Life insurance – Everyone should be familiar with what life insurance is. Read my post titled Ensure You’re Not Over Insured for more details on how to determine the right amount of life insurance for you.
- Flood insurance – This covers you financially if your home encounters a flood. Consider this type of insurance if you qualify and it is necessary. A coastal area such as North Carolina, Virginia, etc. has insurance challenges that may be addressed only by a knowledgeable insurance agent.
- Health and disability insurance – This is another type of insurance that you may consider. Read my article titled: Do You Need Short Term Disability Insurance? to learn more.
Find a Competent Insurance Agent – Final Thoughts
A competent and reliable insurance agent can provide families with savings on insurance premiums and ensure that you have adequate protection from life’s risks. If you are looking for a more personal touch, then a qualified agent can be a great resource for you. They can envision necessary protection from catastrophes that may occur to you or your property. If you happen to live in Wilmington, North Carolina, then click here to find insurance agent through the listings provided in this link. Insurance agents can examine your insurance portfolio to advise you about amounts of coverage needed, types of coverage needed, and reasonable places to purchase that insurance.
We stumbled upon a great insurance agent that has taken care of my family for close to 20 years. His trademark phrase is, “Let me just give you the meat and potatoes.” Which means he’s gonna keep it simple for us. Love talking to that guy!
Brock @cleverdude recently posted…Loyal3 Investment Update #1
Haha – that’s a funny trademark phrase
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