If you are preparing to go to college, you have a lot of choices to make. How far from home do you want to be? What do you want to study? Will you be able to afford it? Luckily, that last question is a little easier to answer, and it is made clear by your […]
Five Top Traits of a Successful Job Seeker
Every successful job seeker needs to have the right curriculum vitae, the right cover letter, and the right character and employment references. Beyond these standard aspects of applying for the job that will push your career in the right direction are the right personal traits. Take a look at these five top traits of successful job […]
Why Small Business Owners Must Constantly Keep Learning
Look around the Internet today and you’ll see plenty of how-to’s. When you’re stumped, heading over to Google is practically a knee-jerk reaction. The same goes for small business owners who have a desire to learn all the tips and tricks of the game. In fact, those who run a business must keep that desire […]
What Are Today’s Most Popular Home Exterior Materials?
When it comes to making smart purchasing and design decisions for your home, it pays to do a little homework first. New home building and older home refurbishing benefit from quality exterior materials and design. Quality products are essential for home value, longevity, and energy savings. Protecting your investment in your home starts with quality products […]
Tips for Dealing with Bankruptcy
Don’t Jump Into Bankruptcy Too Fast – Know Your Options If you have a lot of debt and no solutions, you might feel that bankruptcy is the only option. This post covers tips for dealing with bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is a way to re-organize or erase consumer debt, which ultimately provides a fresh start and lets […]
As Seen on the Internet
Good morning everyone! I have some exciting news to share today – drum roll please… I was recently interviewed on the very prestigious website Mint.com! They even labeled me a personal finance expert 🙂 I feel honored to be associated with such a popular website and personal finance tool. I am so glad the folks […]
Happiness = Fortune / Desire
Back to the Future – Internet
If you haven’t noticed, things have been a little slow around here at MoneyAhoy.com for the past two months. There are a couple of reasons for this: summer vacation moving from Virginia to Georgia having limited or no internet! Back to the Future – Summer Vacation and Georgia I have probably written enough by now […]
The Great September Personal Finance Ebook Giveaway!
Happy Wednesday everyone! Looking for opportunities to further hone your personal finance skills? Then you need look no further! Welcome to The Great September Personal Finance Ebook Giveaway! Jeremy Biberdorf over at ModestMoney.com has put together an awesome Ebook giveaway with 10 of the most popular personal finance bloggers on the net today! There are two copies […]
How to Get a Loan if You Have Bad Credit
For many people, maneuvering through the credit game can be extremely stressful. Sometimes when you’re just starting out or have lost a job for a little while, you can find yourself in a situation where you start surviving on credit with very little income to pay down your debt. This can result in your credit […]