It happens every day. And if it hasn’t happened to you yet, be sure that it will. Emergencies can’t be anticipated. That’s why they are emergencies. Sure, you can set funds aside for an emergency fund, but it’s impossible to prepare for emergencies of a certain magnitude. Sudden and/or prolonged medical emergencies, lawsuits, and lengthy loss of income can all be eventualities that quickly deplete even hefty emergency funds. If you find yourself in one of these or a similar situation, you need cash in your case, whatever that case may be. Here are the most common financial emergencies that affect people of all walks of life. By looking at likely emergencies, you have a much better chance of protecting yourself in case one of these pops up in your own life.
While not an emergency per-se, this most joyous of events can bring with it many unforeseen financial difficulties. This is especially the case if one partner, but not the other, has significant debt. The best plan is to look these realities square in the face before you get hitched. Make a plan for how you will work together to eliminate this debt. Then stick to it, year-in and year-out, until the debt is gone. By working together, you’ll strengthen your marriage, as well as your credit score. This will help you avoid another money-pit: divorce.
Losing a Job
It can happen to anyone. Maybe it has already happened to you once or twice. If it has, remember how difficult it was. If it hasn’t happened yet, trust me, it’s no fun. Combat the stress and uncertainty of sudden unemployment by having a reserve fund set aside to cover up to 6 months of bills, food, and sundry expenses. This will be a huge load off your mind. Maybe you won’t even have to use it!
Acts of God
Natural disasters are tricky. It pays to know if your area is flood-prone, earthquake-prone, or tornado-prone. Have the appropriate owners or renters insurance at the ready. It pays to prepare for even unlikely events. If you stand even a small chance of having your home ruined by a hurricane, get the available insurance. It doesn’t cost a lot, and you will thank yourself profusely if you ever really need it. You can also avoid these things by living in a place that doesn’t suffer from many of these types of natural disasters in the first place.
This is a big one that can mess up your plans for many years to come. It happens to lots of people in different walks of life, from rich to poor. Prepare for this by trying to make sure it never happens. Use only about 30% of your available credit limits. Save and invest your money wisely. Don’t nickle and dime yourself into poverty by spending all your disposable income on disposable pastimes. If you encounter your first financial emergency with money ready to deal with it, you’ll be much better off in this regard.
Are You Prepared for These Financial Emergencies – Final Thoughts
This is just a sampling of the kinds of financial crises that impact consumers like yourself every single day. If you are reading this, don’t just walk away hoping one of these events may never happen to you. Very likely, at least one of these will happen to you in your lifetime. And you can be prepared. With some small life and attitude adjustments, you can enjoy the peace of mind that accompanies readiness for the future.
When my father died 8 years ago, honestly, we are not financially during that time and he didn’t even have an insurance. That was really a big lesson to us, having an emergency fund is really important.
Clarisse @ Make Money Your Way recently posted…Charity pledge for education, October
Planning for the worst is often a good policy.
yeah, acts of God….like hitting a deer. it took me 40 years of life, but I finally hit one. $250 deductible straight from the efund!
Brock @CleverDude recently posted…Would You Ever Go To A Potluck Empty Handed?
That happened to me last year just after I got my new used car. Good thing I had the efund there, like you, to keep things going smoothly!