Websites are a fact of business in the modern landscape. Whether that site is used for ecommerce, promotion, information, or any other reason, a great domain is what launches it into the next level. Conducting a routine domain search is an activity that provides a few distinct advantages for the long and short-term. Since searching domains is a free process, it never hurts to brainstorm a few keywords in order to tap into the additional potential of the Internet. When we were researching domain names for, we actually checked over 900 domain names!
Brand Protection for Your Business
For companies that are already active on the Internet, performing a routine search helps safeguard the brand you have worked so hard to build. Since a lot of time and effort are put into the company website, it makes a lot of sense to be on the lookout for domains that can be mistaken for the official site. Staying aware of those domains that are close to company site, or even making an extra purchase, is one way to make sure the brand stays well protected and unique. If any future dispute or trademark lawsuit develops down the road, it can be critical to prove that you are taking steps to protect your brand.
Develop New Business Ideas
New ideas have the potential to jump up at any given point in time, which means having a place to launch those ideas into motion is part of the process. Many times a great domain can light the creative engines on fire. Performing a regular search of what is available for purchase on the Internet can provide the necessary spark to give life to another brand, an extended site, or even a companion web presence. Finding that great domain name available can even give rise to a new startup business opportunity.
For instance, if you are looking to start and setup your own blog, there are nearly a limitless supply of clever domains still out there. You just might have to put on your thinking cap and spend an hour or two digging out that hidden gem, but they still definitely exist!
Alternate Extensions For Your Business
The days of the usual .com, .net, or .org extensions making up the bulk of Internet locations is long past. The explosion in digital popularity has led to .club, .guru, .company, and other extensions. While these extensions might seem foreign at first, they have the potential to fit a company better that the traditional ones. On that note, the only way to explore those options and keep them open is stay aware of what changes are taking place on the Internet.
Better Choices For Your Business
The simple fact is that the domain name might be what is holding the site back. Often as websites grow and evolve, they transform concepts and shift focus. A new domain has the possibility to harness those changes and fit the company in a better way. While rebranding and renaming a site can be a massive undertaking, the process has the benefit of fitting with the strategic vision of the business in a better way.
4 Reasons to Search Available Domains on a Regular Basis – Final Thoughts
In the end, searching available domains is just one way for companies to help prepare for the future. The digital frontier can change quickly, and staying flexible is important for every business regardless of industry. Taking advantage of new extensions, protecting the brand, and being ready for new ideas are all valuable assets. Domains are one of the most basic elements of any Internet business. Like every business asset, they need to be nurtured and maintained on a regular basis. Since a search is a free activity, it never hurts to keep an eye on the horizon.
This post reminds me of the guy who bought thanks to the fact that someone forgot to renew it. He ended up getting paid thousands in order to sell it back to them!
LOL – I had not heard that one specifically. I have heard of folks that create an entire business out of snapping up expired domain names and reselling them down the road. Sounds like it could be fun if you could automate things.