If you fall into the paycheck to paycheck dilemma, you are not alone. While not a comfortable place to be, the good news is that you can change your current status with a little bit of diligence and control.
When it’s Necessary to Borrow Money
Unfortunately, in many cases if you live paycheck to paycheck, chances are good that you also make late payments too. This can present a problem if a financial emergency arises and you need access to money quickly. Luckily, with the internet at your disposal, you can look up installment loans online to secure the funds you need within a day or two. Unlike a traditional bank that requires a good credit score, many of these companies specialize in helping those with less than ideal credit
Living on a Shoestring Budget
The fastest way to recover from a financial crisis is to reduce your monthly obligations. If you own a home or a car and have a loan, try refinancing. If you buy coffee on the way to work each morning, treat yourself only on Fridays. There are dozens of ways to pull in your belt and free up cash so that you can pay down your debt quickly. Take for instance your cable bill, do you really need all of those channels? Contact your service provider and see what you can do to reduce the monthly bill. You can do the same with your cell phone by eliminating services you don’t need or use.
Hidden Sources of Cash
Most people have items throughout the home that they no longer use or want, which are still in good condition. Maybe you have children’s clothing, some even with the tags intact, or a collection of old coins, tools or books. Combing through the attic, basement and garage can turn up items that others will find valuable. You can advertise in the local paper or use frequently visited sites like Craigslist, Decluttr or eBay to make a quick sale. Most of the sites are easy to setup so all you need to do is establish a fair offering price and take a few pictures. As an added bonus, you’ll also organize your home in the process.
Earning Extra Income
If you work a 9-to-5 job Monday through Friday, you have evenings and weekends free. While you may not want to part with your earned downtime, if you need additional monies you can use your talents to do so. Maybe you’re good at fixing cars or things around the home or you are wonderful with children. The point is to evaluate you and find out what your strengths are and how you can turn them into extra cash.
Smart Shopping
When something new hits the market, many people rush in to be one of the first to own it. This is not the smartest or most cost-effective way to acquire something new. Instead, take a pause and let the others pay top dollar for the same thing you will buy a few months later for much less