Welcome to the 2014 October Money Report! See how my money making, saving, and investing went for the month!
To view any previous monthly money reports, check here.
Actions Plans for October 2014
Key: Complete/Some Progress/No Progress
- Help wife start new part-time job
- COMPLETE! My wife started her new job. I didn’t really have much to do with it, but I can still mark it done 🙂
- Post at least 3 videos on OfficeForNewbies.com
- COMPLETE! I put up three great Excel videos which you can check out here:
- Post at least 2 videos on MoneyAhoy Youtube Channel
- FAILED! I did not get around to doing this in October 🙁 Hopefully I can catch back up this month!
- Conduct at least one tutoring session
- FAILED! I posted my Craigslist ad, but have received no takers so far! I guess moving to a small town may cut down on my in-person training quite a bit 🙁
- Get our old home in Virginia sold – this one is continuing on from last month!
- FAILED! Still have not sold our old house yet – it’s now priced $9K below the Zillow price, so hopefully we will get a bite now!
As you can see, I did not do very well with my monthly goals for October 🙁 Some of the items were outside of my direct control, but I’m not too happy with the performance. Hopefully I can pick up the slack in November.
Onto the graphs and the details!
Notes on Making Money for October 2014
As you can see, with my wife not pulling in a paycheck again for October our income was down again for the month. She started working toward the end October, so we should see a nice pop in November. Dividends are seeing a nice slow trend higher over time which is great! Side hustle income came in so-so – the days of making gobs of money tutoring seem to be gone in my new location. I’m going to have to find something else to fill in that role. Also, my Youtube income went crazy this month! It’s all thanks to a video I made about winterizing your lawn sprinkler system!
Here are the side-hustle income highlights:
- Monthly Dividends – $163
- Guests Posts – $150
- Youtube – $92
- Ad in sidebar – $25
- LegalZoom – $23
- Stock Market Investing for Newbies
book – $11
- Google Adsense – $10
- TOTAL = $448
Total side income (dividends plus side-hustles) came in around $450! That’s pretty nice considering I didn’t get to perform any tutoring. As you can see, I had no eBay sales at all for this month (or the previous two), but now that the move is over I am starting to list stuff and expect to see improvements here.
Since tutoring hasn’t worked out in this new area, I can either try to lower my prices or find something else to bring in extra cash. I plan to look into the local community college to see what kind of rate I could get as an adjunct professor at night.
Notes on Money Saving for October 2014
For October, our expenses were the lowest on record! And, that is with us still paying two mortgages (jeez I wish our old house would just sell already)! Once our house sells, our routine expenses should drop by at least $1,000! Special thanks to Mr. Money Mustache for encouraging downsizing – he really influenced us to push ourselves to find a smaller place! I am glad we did – we love our new home!
Here are a couple of the higher non-routine expenses that we had for the month:
- Theme park family season passes – $300
- Arts and crafts supplies for wife – $85
- Team lunch – $68
We decided to get family season passes to a nearby theme park. They had a special deal in October and I think we’ll have a lot of fun family memories there. Most other non-routine expenses were kept pretty low.
All of the moving related credit card expenses (tracked in earlier reports) finally came due in October. So, our savings rate for the month was only 8% 🙁 This should be a one time blip as the wife begins work and our expenses smooth out to the new lower normal.
Notes on Investing for October 2014
For the month of October I invested in the Vanguard FTSE Developed Markets ETF. This fund provides exposure to developed markets in Europe, Australasia, and Japan. I bought 138 shares of VEA at a price of ~$39.00 per share for a total of $5,382 invested for the month. VEA is an Electronically Traded Fund (ETF) and pays a quarterly dividend of 0.875% (3.5% annually).
If you are interested in stock market investing but don’t know where to get started, check out my excellent book: Stock Market Investing for Newbies. It will get investing like a pro in no time!
Actions Plans for November 2014
As you saw above, I did not do very well in hitting my targets for October. But, November is a new month and I’m ready reach higher! Here are my monthly goals:
- Post at least 2 videos on OfficeForNewbies.com
- Post at least 3 videos on MoneyAhoy Youtube Channel
- Submit resume to area community college for adjunct professor positions in science/math
- Get our old home in Virginia sold – this one is continuing on from last month!
- Read the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Other Points of Interest
- My websites were hacked right at the end of the month! This was a huge pain in the ass and really hurt my traffic and revenue. It also screwed up several of my incoming links – not cool!
- My traffic at MoneyAhoy still really hasn’t recovered to pre-hacked levels 🙁 I hate hackers!
- We are basically fully moved in at this point, so I can start to focus more on money making activities and get back to posting a little more regularly. Here is a listing of the posts I made for the month of September:
- Bad Way to Save Money – Skip Termite Control
- How to Get a Loan if You Have Bad Credit
- Top Tips to Help Sell Your Home
- The Great September Personal Finance Ebook Giveaway!
- I Live in a Van Down By The River – Basically…
- Back to the Future – Internet
- Free Stock Market Investing Ebook – For the Next 5 Days!
- August 2014 Money Report
What are your money saving, money making, and investing plans for November?
You paid for two mortgages, and still managed to invest 5000+. If that’s money from the income side of things, that’s pretty good. Here’s looking to a better November with the savings rate.
EL @ Moneywatch101 recently posted…The Pay Debt Now Method
It was mostly just moving cash over from the bank for investing. We didn’t really save much of anything for the month 🙁 We should be much better in November. Thanks for your kind wishes!
Good on you for making videos! I’m way too scared to attempt that. That really sucks that you were hacked. I live in fear of that happening. I have a few things to protect against it… but I’m sure if someone is determined, there’s not a lot that could stop them.
Anne @ Money Propeller recently posted…Jet Setter Interview – Vanessa of Vanessaâs Money
It really isn’t that hard once you get going and get over the initial learning hump of learning how to make videos.
If you ever do get hacked, I recommend paying to get things professionally cleaned vs. trying it yourself. My go with that pretty much turned out to be an epic fail.
We had a tough October as well, but November is shaping up to be a much better month. Our tenant ended her lease last month and we are still looking to find a new one. Once that is taken care of, things will greatly improve on our end.
Jon @ Money Smart Guides recently posted…What Outrageous Fees Are You Paying?
Wow – that stinks. I know that finding a good tenant can be a real pain in the butt! Good luck with that 🙂
Great site thanks for the income report – give us hope of a bigger future!
Robert Connor recently posted…How to Calculate the True Value of 1-hour of Your Business’s Time
Thanks Robert!
Is website hacking a big thing?!? I didn’t even realize it was something that could affect smaller sites/blogs. What did they do exactly and how did you get your site back?
Thomas @ i need money ASAP! recently posted…Find Free Money Now: Search Billions In Unclaimed Cash!
They (whoever that is) corrupted a bunch of WordPress scripts. This caused Google to blacklist my site from search and cause browsers such as chrome to completely block my site. It was a pretty big deal.
I got it back by paying experts to clean out all the corrupted scripts! I used http://www.WeWatchYourWebsite.com and they were awesome!