If you have not started experimenting with Ebay flipping or Craigslist flipping, then what are you waiting for? You can make a ton of easy money with very little effort involved! If you are new to Ebay flipping – check out my flipping for profit section. Read on to see what my all-time best Ebay flip so far has been – I made 4300% profit!
Ebay Flipping – Source of Goods
The usual mission objective here is to get your materials to flip from the cheapest place possible. In nearly all cases, this is yard sales! You will be very hard pressed to find something cheaper than what you can bargain for at your neighborhood yard sale.
In this case of my all-time best Ebay flip so far, I found my item for $0.50. No negotiation was required in this case. The only downside here was that I got the item at about 7am 🙁 I many cases, if you are going to flip on Ebay or Craigslist for the highest possible profit you have to be the early bird!
Ebay Flipping – Highest Profit Items
You can flip just about any item on Ebay or Craiglist if you can find a good enough deal. The basic premise is that you’ll buy low and sell high – just like investing in the stock market. The key to identifying a good deal is knowing the item in question and what you can normally sell it for.
I have had luck with some of the following items – some times items are priced so low it is a pretty minimal risk to give the flipping of it a chance. I have placed them in a relative order with the best profits at the top of the list.
- Video Games – Wii, PSP, Xbox, etc.
- Guitars
- Guitar Amps
- Vera Bradley and Thirty One Purses
- Soccer Cleats
- Pokemon Cards and Other Tradeable Cards
As you can see, video games can fetch some of the largest percentage profits. In terms of overall most money in your pocket, larger items such as guitars and guitar amps tend to do the best. These can also be flipped on Craigslist since they are so big!
My All-Time Best Ebay Flip So Far – 4300% Profit
I have flipped hundreds of items on Ebay over the years. So, what has been my all-time best Ebay flip so far? I was able to make a 4,300% profit by finding a PSP Dragon Ball Z game for $0.50 and selling it for $21.99 on Ebay. That is a profit of ~4,300%!
It took all of about 10 minutes of work to buy the item and list it on Ebay. That is the equivalent of making ~$130 an hour. Not too shabby 🙂
Ebay Flipping – Final Thoughts
If you are on the fence about Ebay flipping – why not give it a try? Find something around the house that you no longer use and try to get rid of it. This will give you the hang of listing items quickly.
After you have a bit of experience listing items on Ebay, you can really start to expand your enterprise. Next it is time to go out and find cheap items to flip on Ebay for a profit! Do you think you have what it takes to beat my 4,300% profit all-time best?
If you are looking for more info or a Ebay flipping master, check out the following website: thriftstoreflipping.com – Happy flipping!
Great flip!! And thanks so much for some good items to be on the lookout for on Craigslist. I will have to accept your challenge of beating 4,300% profit!
Thank you so much for the link love!
Thanks for stopping by! I ran across your blog while developing this post and fell in love. I will be a frequent visitor going forward – I love to see those jackets and shoes flip for $50 – $100 profit! You definitely have me motivated to look for more opportunities 🙂
You’re very welcome and thanks again.
I hadn’t visited your blog before, so this is very exciting to follow your adventures. I’ll be adding you to my list of other flippers on my website too!
Tiana recently posted…Sales Update
Cool – thanks Tiana!
That’s a fantastic turn around……If I see a yard sale, I’m going to stop and see if I can find something i can beat your percentage. Game on! lol.
Brock @Cleverdude recently posted…Be The Good Parent, Not The Cool Parent
Brock – haha. Bring it! I got a video card for free recently from a yard sale, so if I sell that for $80 that means my return is infinity percent :-)!!!