Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great holiday season with time to relax and enjoy family and friends. We’re now at that illustrious time of the year where folks like you and me set new years resolutions they hope to keep throughout the year. I’m going to try something a little bit different this year and create some money making new years resolutions for myself.
Money Making New Years Resolutions – Simplify and Eliminate
This first resolution is not as much of a money making new years resolution as it is a simplification one. Believe it or not, the wife and I have not always been quite as good at resisting the temptation to buy retail crap. Yes, it’s true 🙂 As a result, we’ve built up quite a collection of stuff (junk) over the years. Well, I’d like to set a goal to get rid of as much of this unneeded stuff as we can this year. This will help us “declutter”, make some additional side money, and readjust our lives to be less consuming. I’ve set a goal to get rid of (mainly sell on Ebay and the like) at least 20 things a month. I feel this is definitely an achievable goal, and I hope to also work with my wife and kids to get them in on the junk reduction fun!
Low hanging fruit that I’ve identified so far are old Nintendo DS games, computer games, DVDs, books, etc. We’ve already given our first load of stuff to my mother-in-law to sell at her thrift shop (RichmondThriftStore.com).
Money Making New Years Resolutions – Write an eBook
The second money making new years resolution is a bit more lofty. I’ve set a goal for myself to write an eBook on stock market investing for beginners. I’ve read several financial planning books recently such as: A Random Walk Down Wall Street, I Will Teach You To Be Rich, and Rich Dad Poor Dad. These have all been great general books on how to get your financial house in order, but they leave out some of the basic details on how to get started with investing. I’ve also seen many reviews in the blogoshpere for different investing services that try to simplify investing. To me, none of these is really hitting a good mark. The information out there is either too detailed for beginners (like a Random Walk Down Wall Street), is too vague (like Rich Dad Poor Dad), or over-simplifies stuff to the point where I worry that folks don’t really understand what they’re getting into (like Betterment).
I plan to create a simple eBook that will take your average business professional by the hand and help them get started with stock market investing. I haven’t created an outline yet, but I plan to keep everything on a pretty high level to give folks a well rounded understanding of stock market investing without getting into too much detail. I’m thinking somewhere in the neighborhood of 50-75 pages would be ideal. I’ve looked into on-line publishing with Amazon, and it seem incredibly easy once I’ve actually finished the book.
Money Making New Years Resolutions – Final Thoughts
So, what do you think? Do these money making new years resolutions seem doable? Did I set the bar too high or too low? What type of new years resolutions have you set for yourself?
These sound like good goals. I hear you about de-cluttering. Will be working on this a little more myself in the coming months, trying to do some Ebay selling too.
I look forward to the eBook!
Green Money Stream recently posted…Retirement Planning: The Yin and Yang of a Secure Retirement
GMS – thanks for stopping by! Good luck on your decluttering/Ebaying work over the coming months 🙂 Btw, I love the hellobar you have over at your site. I’m thinking about incorporating one here.
I love the “simplification” resolution…..I think we could all take a step back and remove some of the unnecessary stresses from our lives. Great goals!
Brock @cleverdude recently posted…Afternoon Grocery Shopping Can Bust Your Budget
Brock – thanks for the kind comment 🙂
They sound like excellent goals! I will echo the simplification/uncluttering… it seems like that does so much good mentally. When there is less stuff around, our priorities and goals become clearer… I have found it true what they say – a cluttered house equals a cluttered mind. So simplification is a great goal indeed!
Our Fine Adventure recently posted…My First Real Website
Our Fine Adventure, thanks for stopping by! The whole uncluttering process is going well so far, but trying to sell 20+ things on eBay is going to be a ton of work to keep going 🙂 I think you’re exactly right – getting rid of all the stuff will make everything become much more clear!
I think your goals are great and definitely attainable. I also want to de-clutter this year and sell some stuff. It is clear that we have more than we need, things we don’t need to hold on to, and that are worth getting rid of so we can get out of debt sooner!
Sher@knsfinancial.com recently posted…Our Best And Worst Purchase Of 2013
Thanks for stopping by to comment. It’s funny, everywhere I look now I’m seeing things I could sell that I don’t need. It’s like I’ve just put on a new pair of glasses in the past couple of weeks 🙂
I’m on the process of checking my last month’s expenses and able to meet my desired budget! What I did is that I list down all my resolutions and posted it infront of my laptop, in the kitchen, in the bathroom and even in my phone so that I wont forget my goals for this month.
That’s an awesome plan and one that I’ve used from time to time. Having the visual reminder really helps to focus the mind on what the top priorities are to achieve. Good luck with your goals for 2014! Thanks for stopping by!