MoneyAhoy just turned one year old over the weekend! It’s been a great year overall and I thank you for joining me on this blogging adventure. My goal for the blog was to help myself and others save money, make more money, and invest it! This blog has been great for me personally, hopefully it has helped you in some way as well 🙂
Join me for a walk down memory lane as we look back over some of the highlights of the past year!
Top-5 Posts
Here’s a listing of the top most popular posts for the past year:
- Save Money on Cable – How to Watch Cable TV for Free by Switching to Online TV – I created a list of websites that allow users to watch online cable TV for free. This post was extremely popular over the months.
- Do You Need Short Term Disability Insurance? – This analysis was able to help me uncover that we didn’t actually need short term disability insurance. By eliminating this, we’re saving $826 a year!
- Progressive Snapshot Review – I love the Snapshot device. It has helped us to save $60 a year.
- Does High Deductible Car or Home Insurance Actually Save Money? – This was an analysis I performed to see what the best deductible would be for car and home. It turns out my wife’s gut reaction was correct and going with a crazy high deductible is a terrible idea in the long run! Just two months later I was hit by a deer randomly on my way to work. I’m glad I didn’t go with the conventional wisdom and take out a policy with a super high deductible 🙂
- Frugal Guide for Buying a Used Car – Over the past year I was able to snag a great deal on a Corolla by using this guide I put together. Check it out if you’re in the market for a new used car!
Money Results
Through the focus, motivation, and education that this blog drove me to achieve, I was able to achieve the following:
- Saving – We were able to save an additional $4,500 a year on all kinds of stuff. Check out the Money Saving Master Table for the best ideas that I’ve found.
- Making – MoneyAhoy has motivated me to generate nearly $1,900 in additional side hustle income. This is anything from Ebay sales, sponsored articles, and adSense/YouTube revenue.
- Investing – Our investments have generated $870 in dividends and more than $3,100 in capital appreciation! Because of stupid investing mistakes years earlier, I was really damaged goods when it came to investing. This blog helped me to get over my fixation with timing the market and develop healthy investing habits.
If you total everything up for the past year, alone has directly led to a $10,000 increase in our net worth!
What’s Next?
I’ve got a number of things that I’m currently working on in the money saving, making, and investing arenas. Here are a couple of the major things I have planned for the next year:
- Continue to look for ways to save, make, and invest more money and blog about them here 🙂
- Write a beginner’s book to stock market investing (currently starting on the last chapter of the manuscript)
- Continue to crank out YouTube videos on saving, making, and investing money
- Start marketing my math/technical talents through tutoring (already have one potential client)
- Downsize our house – we plan to relocate if the right opportunity comes along. Downsizing will help us across to the board and should save us thousands annually.
I hope you’ll stick with me over the following year to see what type of progress I’m able to make with all of these things. Now that I’m finished with my MBA, I should have a lot more time to devote to this blog and other money making pursuits. If you have suggestions on how I can make the blog even better, please comment here or send me an email!!
Happy Birthday to MoneyAhoy! And congrats on making suc great progress on your financial goals in the last year!
Dee @ Color Me Frugal recently posted…Is Some Degree of Lifestyle Inflation Inevitable (and Necessary)?
Thanks Dee for your kind words 🙂
Congrats on your 1-year anniversary, Derek! That’s super awesome 🙂 We just hit the 3-month milestone and I know there’s so much more to learn. We’re great fans of your blog and wish you all the success in the world. Here’s to the next year of growth and building wealth!
Much love, thefrugalweds
Anneli @thefrugalweds recently posted…Stop & Smell the Roses
Anneli, thanks for the kind wishes! I love your blog as well 🙂
Happy blog birthday, Derek – looking forward to continuing to follow along!
Brock @cleverdude recently posted…Want a Discount? Just Ask.
Thanks Brock – I appreciate all your interaction here 🙂
Congrats on one year of blogging! Here’s to many more birthdays 🙂
Lauren recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #12- Summer Dreaming
Thanks Lauren 🙂 Isn’t your first birthday for WriteBudget coming up soon?
Congratulations on 1 year! For a future youtube video I think you should do a serious review of something financial while using a speech jammer (lookup “speech jammer gun review” for an excellent example)
Anyways, keep up the great work.
Zee @ Work-To-Not-Work recently posted…Strive To Be Lazy
Zee – why in the world would I want to do something like that?!? Just for laughs?
Well, if I did videos, I think it might be an interesting change for a one time thing. I realize it might not be for everyone and it really depends on the audience you are trying to reach, but it was just a thought. There’s also a lot fewer bloggers that do videos then just write.
I know I got into personal finance by stumbling onto someone’s blog while not specifically seeking it out and found out that they had a lot of interesting views that were worth listening to.
And to be honest, yes, partially for laughs 🙂
Zee @ Work-To-Not-Work recently posted…Traditonal IRA Versus Rollover IRA, What’s the Difference?
Ah, I see 🙂 That’s an interesting idea to draw people in that may not otherwise run across the personal finance scene. Can’t hurt to give it a try 🙂 Thanks for the idea!
AWESOME! Happy blog birthday, MoneyAhoy!
Lisa E. @ Lisa vs. the Loans recently posted…Links Lisa Likes – The New Normal
Thanks Lisa 🙂
Happy 1 Year Bloggaversary!
Great accomplishment! 🙂
debt debs recently posted…Family Matters – How Does Your Family Treat Money and Debt?
Thanks Debs 🙂