Thanksgiving and Giving Thanks
Our family had a great Thanksgiving day today. We got a chance to visit with family and spend time together catching up and playing some board games. We also had a chance to each talk about the many things that we are thankful for in 2014. It was touching and insightful as a parent to hear about the things that our kids were thankful for.
Now that Thanksgiving day is here, we are nearly forced by retailers to move onto Christmas even before the day is through! That’s right folks, we’re being asked to move on from giving thanks and to focus on greed and consumerism before the morning parade – what the fuck? I’ve probably watched over 100 ads today (we don’t really watch TV in our house thanks god) about different Black Friday events… Fuck you Black Friday!
Why Does Black Friday Exist?
I was doing a little research on wikipedia around the history of Black Friday and found some interesting tidbits. It seems that popular retailers have historically hosted parades as a way to ushering in Christmas. Retailers used to have an unwritten rule about advertising for Christmas sales before Thanksgiving was over.
That’s great, but where does Black Friday come from? Well, once Thanksgiving was over, retailers are in a mad rush and fight-to-the-death competition to bring in as much money as they can before Christmas arrives. This drives retailers to pull all kinds tricks out of their asses to manipulate people into buying crap for people that isn’t really at all needed. The BIGGEST advertising tricks in the book (I write about many of there here in the article advertising strategies to brainwash you) that the retailers employ for Black Friday are social proofing and scarcity.
Retailers have constructed this one event that you feel you HAVE to attend or you will really miss out. Afterall, everyone else is buying and getting the deals. You don’t want to miss this one-day sale do you?? Again, I say fuck you Black Friday!
Looking at the trends (see the table below from Wikipedia) from a retailers perspective, the whole Black Friday thing seems to be working on us. The sales below come from Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and projected Sunday sales.
Year | Date | Survey Published | Shoppers, millions | Average Spent | Total Spent | Consumers Polled | Margin for Error |
2013 | Nov 29 | Dec 1 | 249 | $413.02 | $61.4 billion | 4,864 | 1.7% |
2012 | Nov 23 | Nov 25 | 247 | $423.66 | $59.1 billion | 4,005 | 1.6% |
2011 | Nov 25 | Nov 27 | 226 | $398.62 | $52.5 billion | 3,826 | 1.6% |
2010 | Nov 26 | Nov 28 | 212 | $365.34 | $45.0 billion | 4,306 | 1.5% |
2009 | Nov 27 | Nov 29 | 195 | $343.31 | $41.2 billion | 4,985 | 1.4% |
2008 | Nov 28 | Nov 30 | 172 | $372.57 | $41.0 billion | 3,370 | 1.7% |
2007 | Nov 23 | Nov 25 | 147 | $347.55 | $34.6 billion | 2,395 | 1.5% |
2006 | Nov 24 | Nov 26 | 140 | $360.15 | $34.4 billion | 3,090 | 1.5% |
2005 | Nov 25 | Nov 27 | 132 | $301.81 | $26.8 billion | n/a | n/a |
Gray Thursday is Even Worse!
See that big 16% jump up in 2011? Well, if Black Friday weren’t enough for these retail assholes, now they are encroaching on our Thanksgiving holiday! The lovely folks at Walmart were the first to break rank in 2011 and open at 10pm on Thanksgiving day. Fast-forward to 2014 and some stores are open most of Thanksgiving day to eek out another couple billion in sales dollars. Walmart has shifted 90% of their money saving deals to Thanksgiving day. The only deals they now have on Friday are for tires and guns. Again – what the fuck is wrong with us?!? Fuck you Black Friday and fuck you Gray Thursday!
Let’s Celebrate Buy Nothing Day!
Why do we participate in these kinds of things? Sure, you will be “saving” a some money, but is it worth sacrificing time spent with family on this important holiday? Shouldn’t we be taking as pause as a nation to give thanks for the many blessings that we have? This instant “skipping of Thanksgiving” seems pretty unhealthy for our culture and our nation.
Have you ever heard of Buy Nothing Day (BND)? It’s the international day of protest against consumerism which happens to also fall on the day after Thanksgiving 🙂 I know that I will be celebrating Buy Nothing Day tomorrow, and I feel like I’m close to convincing my wife to skip the whole damn Black Friday and Gray Thursday thing all together.
It feels a little strange saying this on a personal finance blog with topics devoted to saving money, but I know that this is one time I’d rather NOT save money. I would much rather spend some extra time with my wife than be caught in a mass stampede of people. I think that Buy Nothing Day will be a great holiday for us to celebrate going forward!
Fuck You Black Friday – Final Thoughts
I participated in one or two Black Fridays 14 or 15 years ago. It felt good at the time to save money on some RAM for my computer. Anymore, I think the whole thing has just gotten ridiculous. Retailers are taking the soul out of Thanksgiving and have really gone too far with this Gray Thursday bullshit. I hope tomorrow you will join me by saying fuck you Black Friday and chose to celebrate Buy Nothing Day instead!
Oh wow – very nicely articulated!! Fuck you Black Friday indeed!!
I very much was part of the “spend nothing day” group. The videos of people fighting over “bargain” TVs (PS – don’t tell anyone but they are the same price today, probably will be tomorrow, and will definitely be cheaper after Christmas) absolutely repulsive!
moneystepper recently posted…How Wealthy Are You? A UK-wide Comparison
Haha – that bit abou the TVs was funny. It really is repulsive that we do this to ourselves. I could really put up with it until it started invading Thanksgiving a couple of years ago. That pushed me over the top!
I am not a fun of Black Friday deals. I don’t think its worth being in a crowd or in a line for several hours just to purchase an item at a barely cheaper price. But I wouldn’t mind scrolling through some pages on amazon and buy online for some items.
Amos @ Modest Money recently posted…How Owning Your Home Will Change Your Life
Glad I’m not the only one who prefers shopping online to fighting off the mad mob during this time of year 🙂
I was surprised when I saw ads for so many stores opening at 4pm on Thanksgiving. Next year more stores will probably open earlier.
The whole idea around Black Friday is like soap operas and how advertisers used those shows to sell to housewives back in the day.
Jon @ Money Smart Guides recently posted…The Only Tip You Need For Retirement Saving Success
When will the madness stop?? I’ve put my foot down – have you?