If you’ve been considering investing your money, you might be hesitant, thinking that you need large sums to do so. This simply isn’t true. You can start investing with only a small sum if you do your research and get some help. Read on for a few investment tips and tricks. Save Up Your first […]
5 Major Home Projects That Are Worth It
Whether you’re upgrading your home or getting ready to sell, investing in your home can add tremendous value. Revamping your current space can transform any house into a home, but how do you know what’s worthwhile? Some of these projects can be DIY, but we recommend hiring a home remodeling contractor for the more complex […]
New Developments in Venture Capital
The venture capital industry has been around for a relatively short period of time, but it has already seen profound change. There have been many developments in the venture capital industry in the last few years or so. Newer venture capital firms like Xfund are taking a radically different approach to the firms that have come before. […]
A Beginner’s Guide to Property Investment
You may have started to realize that more and more people are talking about investing. This is partly because, due to the pandemic, many people are searching for extra sources of income. However, another factor is the fact that people are realizing how great investments are – by doing research and working wisely, you can […]
How do the millionaires trade the Forex Market?
Becoming a millionaire trader in the Forex market is one of the most difficult tasks in the world. Getting access to the retail trading industry is relatively easy but if you do the math, you will realize that the number of successful traders is very low. Most investors start trading financial instruments without having good […]
How to Be a Successful Investor
So You Want to Go Public
Whether you’re looking to raise capital, quickly expand, or attract new employees with stock-option programs, opening your company to the IPO process might be the right call. It can be complex and time-consuming, though. Done right, selling your securities publicly can be an incredible lift. Here is an outline of the steps you’ll need to […]
What to Give Your Investment Enthusiast for the Holidays
Someone in your life got very interested (dare we say: invested) in investing over the course of the last year, and for this holiday season, you want to give them something that says you support and appreciate their new hobby. But what do you get an investor who already has a balanced portfolio? Here are […]
Is the Stock Market Heading for a Top?
7 Ways to Make Money With OTC Stocks
When you’ve determined it’s the right time to try your hand at investing in stocks and other securities, you may want to learn more about OTC stocks as an option. OTC stocks, commonly referred to as penny stocks, are securities that are not part of a major stock exchange. OTC stocks give buyers and sellers […]
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